Plan your escape to Cambria with a stay in our One Queen Bed guestroom, equipped with one supremely comfortable queen-sized bed. Enjoy a steaming cup of coffee in the morning, made with an in-room coffee maker. Are you in the mood for a little entertainment? Well, you’re in luck! Enjoy a flat-screen TV with cable channels and free WiFi. A private bathroom is stocked with fluffy towels, complimentary toiletries, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Embrace your inner nature lover with a stay in our One King Bed guestroom. You are sure to sleep well on an oh-so-comfy mattress with fluffy pillows and fresh linens. Wash up in a private bathroom, stocked with clean towels, complimentary toiletries, and a hairdryer. If you love coffee as much as we do, you’ll appreciate an in-room coffee maker. Watch your favorite show on a flat-screen TV with cable channels or surf the web with our high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
The pine-studded coastal hideaway of Cambria is calling your name. Stay with us in our One King Bed Balcony guestroom, equipped with one cozy king-sized bed. Soak up the California rays on your private balcony before preparing yourself a cup of coffee with an in-room coffee maker. A private bathroom has all the essentials, including complimentary toiletries, fresh towels, and a hairdryer. Are you bored? Click on a flat-screen TV to scroll through several cable channels or surf the web with our high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Experience Cambria’s village charm with a stay in our Two Queen Bed guestroom – there’s enough room for up to four guests! Stay caffeinated with an in-room coffee maker. Entertain yourself by watching the game on a flat-screen TV with cable channels or post your nature pics online with our high-speed WiFi. Enjoy a private bathroom for you to freshen up in. It’s stocked with fluffy towels, complimentary toiletries, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Discover the natural wonder of Cambria with a stay in our Two Queen Beds Balcony guestroom. Prepare yourself a cup of coffee in the morning, made with an in-room coffee maker, before breathing in the fresh California air on your private balcony. This room offers the entertainment options of a flat-screen TV with cable channels and high-speed WiFi. A private bathroom is equipped with complimentary toiletries, clean towels, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Our Two Queen Accessible room is perfect for up to 4 people. This room comes with two queen beds and various accessible features to make your stay wiht us comfortable.